Monday, August 31, 2009

What can We do?

Today at 8 a.m. Mr. Heinze, a resident in Glynn County, called 911. In this call he reported coming into his home finding his family dead. The victims ranged from teens to the elderly. The local police have no suspects yet, they are holding Mr. Heinze in captivity with charges of possession of a controlled substance and lying to police officers.
While reading this article from, i realized something. The interview with the officer leading this case, Mr. Doering, had an interesting statement in it.
"We just simply don't have a lot to go on," Doering said. "I'm not going to tell people not to be cautious. Until we know exactly what happened and who did it, that's not going to change."
It seems that the world has become accustom to these types of crimes. Parents are having to warn their kids about dangerous strangers and other potential threats. These safety measure were not always necessary. Kids used to be able to run free without worry. Families used to be able to have a movie night and order pizza without having to look through a peep hole to make sure it really was the pizza man. Our civilization seems to be spiraling downward with more and more obscene acts.
What can we do to try and reverse these effects? How can we, as college students, make a difference in these violent times?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A New Perspective

After reading the summer reading book, A Long Way Gone, my perspective of the outside world has been altered. This book has opened my eyes to the violence and disturbing behavior of the outside world. What can we do about these behaviors and violent outbreaks around the world? My perspective: not much. America went through its own violent outbreaks. We as a nation had to learn our lesson and grew from it. We had casualties. Even if our own outbreaks were not as disturbing as other parts of the world, we had to go through it. Sometimes I am not sure if we are doing the right thing by invading nations and trying to "help" them. I do believe sometimes it was and is nessary in order to protect citizens , like ourselves, from catastrophic disasters. Should we continue to attempt to help other countires from their own self destruction? Well, I honestly do not know if it the most perductive option. I guess we will see in time if our country has made the correct choice in these matters...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Generation

The song I have chosen to represent our generation is Monster by Skillet.

This song depicts our inner conflict with ourselves. By now, our generation has realized that we are not who we want to be. This goes for anyone. Most of use feel as if we have a monster inside ourselves. Someone completely different from us that takes control. Deep within us we have a monster, we just need to learn how to control it.