Thursday, August 27, 2009

A New Perspective

After reading the summer reading book, A Long Way Gone, my perspective of the outside world has been altered. This book has opened my eyes to the violence and disturbing behavior of the outside world. What can we do about these behaviors and violent outbreaks around the world? My perspective: not much. America went through its own violent outbreaks. We as a nation had to learn our lesson and grew from it. We had casualties. Even if our own outbreaks were not as disturbing as other parts of the world, we had to go through it. Sometimes I am not sure if we are doing the right thing by invading nations and trying to "help" them. I do believe sometimes it was and is nessary in order to protect citizens , like ourselves, from catastrophic disasters. Should we continue to attempt to help other countires from their own self destruction? Well, I honestly do not know if it the most perductive option. I guess we will see in time if our country has made the correct choice in these matters...

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