Thursday, September 24, 2009

2 babies concieved, yet not twins?

On good morning America, they showed a woman who had concieved 2 children, yet they were not twins. The experts say that the 2nd child was concieved 2 to 3 weeks after the first. They expect no birth problems if the children are to be born on time. The second will be born pre0maturily, yet it should not cause any birth defects.
- wow, this is very rare in humans. The experts say there was only 10 reported cases of this happeneing in the past. If i were in the fathers shoes, i would be very concerned. I understand the experts say there should be no birth defects, yet i couldnt help but worry that the second child would have them. I guess it is ouot of the parents hands. I hope everything goes well.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Live Life

Everyday, we go through , quote un quote "hell". We have events happen to us that seem like they are completely out of our control. We feel like the world is out to get us and its crushing us more and more each day. Sometime , we just cant take it anymore. We just feel so depressed and it just seems like life itsnt worth it. No matter how hard life gets, though you need to stick it out. You're right though, life does suck. It hurts, yea, but you cant controll what other people do or act to you.
You can only control yourself. So please, stop letting small stuff in this world get to you. You only live once. Live it to the fullest.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A new view

I will admit that i was not looking forward to attending the author come and speak. While feeling sick, i was still very entertained. He did a great job on being very honest with the audience and keeping them interested. It was refreshing to hear him read his own work. It really put a face to the story.
Also, the most interesting part of the presentation was hearing about him compare his native language to English. Hearing how he translated some thing from English directly to his native language. For example: night means the sky rolled over. That fascinated me, as well as him humor on how his skilled writing is considered normal in his home village.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Beating

(CNN) -- The FBI is investigating as a possible hate crime an incident in which a woman was beaten to the ground in front of her child at the entrance to a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Morrow, Georgia, south of Atlanta.

Troy Dale West Jr., of Poulan, Georgia, is facing charges including misdemeanor battery and disorderly conduct after allegedly beating Army reservist Tashawnea Hill, 35, after the two had words at the entrance of the Morrow, Georgia, restaurant the evening of September 9.

Hill, an African-American, told police that West, 47, yelled racial epithets at her as the attack took place.

"He did punch me with a closed fist repeated times. My head is still hurting today. I have knots on my head," Hill told CNN Wednesday night, adding she also was kicked.

Police said witnesses confirmed her account.

The FBI has "initiated an investigation in the matter to determine if a civil rights violation occurred," the agency said in a statement.

Because the alleged incident happened in full view of Hill's 7-year-old daughter, the Clayton County district attorney's office added a felony charge of cruelty to children.

"[The woman's daughter] was visibly upset the night of the attack," according to Capt. James Callaway of the Morrow Police Department, who said he was on the scene shortly after the alleged attack.

A police report of the incident said Hill's daughter was "crying uncontrollably and her body [was] shaking/trembling" from witnessing the attack.

Hill told police the incident started when she and her daughter were entering the restaurant at the same time West and his wife were exiting.

"The man slung open the door pretty hard and fast and I had to push my daughter out of the way," Hill told CNN affiliate WSB-TV. "I turned to the man and I just said, 'Excuse me sir, you need to watch yourself; you almost hit my daughter in the face.' And from there it just went downhill."

West, according to the police report, admitted striking Hill "after she spit on me and accused me of trying to hit her daughter with a door."

Appearing on CNN Wednesday night, Hill and her attorney, Kip Jones, denied that she spat on West. Jones said he saw surveillance video of the incident.

"At no point did Ms. Hill do anything to provoke the attack. She did not spit on Mr. West. She spoke to him. He attacked her," Jones said.

Police say Hill stated that "West punched her in the left cheek, forehead, kicked her body in several places, and punched her head in many areas several times."

The Cracker Barrel's manager told police he stepped between West and Hill to stop the alleged assault.

Cracker Barrel spokeswoman Julie Davis said Wednesday that the restaurant was cooperating fully in the police investigation.

"It's just terrible when something like this happens anywhere, let alone in one of our stores," Davis said. "It's worth noting that Cracker Barrel employees did their best to assist Hill as soon as they became aware of the situation."

Jones said he was "convinced this was a hateful, racist attack ... based on the N-word, the B-word, etc."

"The language was vile. It was racist. It was sexist. It was completely offensive, completely unprovoked," Jones said.

CNN's efforts to reach West at his home and business were unsuccessful. Police said they had no indication West had an attorney. He is free on bond awaiting a hearing in the incident, the Clayton County jail said.

Hill was treated at a hospital after the attack and released.

-It amazes me the amount of violence that is seen these days. A man beat a woman in front of her child. These acts end up leaving disturbing memories in the child's mind that may have devistating effects in the future. It just goes to show that anything can happen in today's society.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Gamer, an interesting perspective

A new movie that is out, Gamer, make you think. In this movie, human beings are controlled by other humans in a "game" setting allowing everyone to do anything that they wouldnt be able to do in real life. People are paid to be controlled, and people pay to control.
This made me think, would i take money and allow someone to control my every movement, my every decision. I would have no control over my own body, i would be trapped. If i ever sank low enough to need the money so much to allow myself to be used as a tool for other people's pleasure. In this movie 2 different games are available. Society and Gamer.
In Gamer, you control a convict on death row in a first person shooter environment.
In Society, you control another human being, and put in a society with others being controled. In this society, sex is the only reason to be there. These people accept pay checks to allow others to control them, to allow others to force them to touch strangers and allow stranger to touch them.
Would i allow myself to become that? Would you?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The counte...

The Counte of Monte Cristo is a fantastic book. If you ever need something to do in your spare time that will throw you for a twist, this book is a great choice. This was the first book that was an assignment in highschool that i enjoyed reading and still read again over and over.
Some people would rather watch a movie or tv but, they dont understand how a good book is better than any movie or television show. They paint such better pictures and allow you to become the characters.
Next time your bored and want to relax and enjoy some emtertainment, pick up a good book.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Watch what you say

I had to give a speech today and i thought i was a lesson everyone should know:

Snow, a simple concept in the English language that many people understand. Yet, for my family and I, snow means something entirely different. My older sister felt very uncomfortable saying the word "sex" in front of my parents. My parents wanted my sisters and I to be properly informed about sex and not hear the wrong information from the wrong source therefor, the topic of sex came up frequently at the dinner table. Since my sister, Erika, was uncomfortable with saying that word, she made up a code word for sex: snow.
This was a funny joke around my house. My parents would give us warnings like, "Don't get caught up in a blizzard now!" or " It better not be snowing when i come back to this house!" when we had our significant others over.
Well, one night my currently ex-girlfriend and I came to the house to watch a movie, Eight Below, with the family. My mother asked, "There is no snow in this movie is there Jeremy?" referring to sexual content. My girlfriend immediately responded, "Of course! There is tones of snow." (in the movie Eight Below, it takes place in Alaska, there is allot of actual snow)
My mother went completely insane. Saying remarks like, " How dare you bring that content into this house!" and such. My family was laughing really hard since they saw the misinterpretation. I had to quickly inform her of her error. After that, i learned to make sure I informed anyone coming into my house about the new "code word" to avoid any misinterpretations.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Possible Memoir

Rain fell on my lit cigerette as i tried to relax. On the other end of my cell phone, i knew she was trying not to cry. Jessica, my recent ex-girlfriend, called me to vent out her emotions again. This was not the first time. For the past six months she had been calling me, behind her boyfriends back, for emotional support. I began to feel like an emotional band-aid.
I did not even understand her words anymore. With another cigerette lit, i took a deep puff. I could not do it anymore. I tried to be a "friend" for her. I tried to do the right thing.
My thrid cigerette bud fell to the ground, washed away by the rain. " Jessica stop." I said softly into the phone. Her crying stopped. All i heard was the static in the backround. "What do you mean?" she asked. I lit another cigerette. " I'm done. I'm sorry, but you can't call me anymore."
When those words left my lips, i knew she was shocked.
Excuses flew from her mouth. As i listened, i just lit another cigerette. One thought crossed my mind: " I'm going to regret this."